Diagnostic Checkup

Try out your writing skills! See if you can correct the errors in the following sentences:

  1. As a homeowner, repairs have become too time-consuming for me.

a. As a homeowner, I find repairs have become too time-consuming for me. OR

b. As a homeowner, Mary finds repairs have become too time-consuming. OR

c. I find repairs have become too time-consuming for me, as a homeowner.

Explanation: Whenever you have an “as a__________” phrase, the next word must be who the “_____________” is. If the sentence is turned around (1c.), the “as a__________” explanation, if used, follows who it is (in this example, “me.”)

  1. Each 4-H member will have a chance to show their animal at the Fair.

a. Each 4-H member will have a chance to show his or her animal at the Fair. OR

b. (If all members are male) Each 4-H member will have a chance to show his animal at the Fair. OR

c. (If all members are female) Each 4-H member will have a chance to show her animal at the Fair.

Explanation: In this case, the subject (“each”) is singular. If it’s a mixed-gender group, or if you do not know the members’ genders, use “his or her.”

“Their” would be used only with a plural subject, e.g.,”The members will show their animal at the Fair.” (Note that in this example, we assume that all the members share one animal. If each member had his or her own animal, the sentence should be “The members will show their animals at the Fair.”)  

  1. A selection of 3 entrées are available at the dinner.

a. A selection of three entrées is available at the dinner. OR

b. A selection of three entrées will be (was) (should be) available at the dinner. OR

c. Three entrées are available at the dinner.

Explanation: There are two errors here: (1) The subject (“selection”) is singular, and requires a singular verb. If the subject is plural (Three) the verb should be plural. (2) Numbers nine and lower should be spelled out. Numbers 10 and higher are shown in Arabic numerals.

  1. One way to judge software is by installing it at your office to see if its making a difference in productivity.

a. One way to judge software is by installing it at your office to see if it’s making a difference in productivity. OR

b. One way to judge software is by installing it at your office to see if it makes a difference in productivity.

Explanation: “It’s” may well be the most commonly misspelled word in the English language. “It’s” means “it is.” “Its” is the possessive. In example 5b., We have side-stepped the issue altogether, which is a reasonable technique when you are uncertain.

  1. Athletes will have a chance to wear their uniform at the tournament. 

a. Athletes will have a chance to wear their uniforms at the tournament.

Explanation: Although the original sentence is technically correct, it conjures up some interesting thoughts! The original sentence says that all of the athletes share one uniform. If each athlete has his or her own uniform, “uniforms” would be correct.


Gail Tycer offers business writing workshops and presentations; executive coaching, consulting, writing, and editing services. Call Gail at 503/292-9681, or email gail@gailtycer.com to learn more.

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